Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has achieved great success in leveraging a large amount of unlabeled data to learn a promising classifier. A popular approach is pseudo-labeling that generates pseudo labels only for those unlabeled data with high-confidence predictions. As for the low-confidence ones, existing methods often simply discard them because these unreliable pseudo labels may mislead the model. Nevertheless, we highlight that these data with low-confidence pseudo labels can be still beneficial to the training process. Specifically, although the class with the highest probability in the prediction is unreliable, we can assume that this sample is very unlikely to belong to the classes with the lowest probabilities. In this way, these data can be also very informative if we can effectively exploit these complementary labels, i.e., the classes that a sample does not belong to. Inspired by this, we propose a novel Contrastive Complementary Labeling (CCL) method that constructs a large number of reliable negative pairs based on the complementary labels and adopts contrastive learning to make use of all the unlabeled data. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CCL significantly improves the performance on top of existing methods. More critically, our CCL is particularly effective under the label-scarce settings. For example, we yield an improvement of 2.43% over FixMatch on CIFAR-10 only with 40 labeled data.
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Accurate segmentation of power lines in aerial images is essential to ensure the flight safety of aerial vehicles. Acquiring high-quality ground truth annotations for training a deep learning model is a laborious process. Therefore, developing algorithms that can leverage knowledge from labelled synthetic data to unlabelled real images is highly demanded. This process is studied in Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Recent approaches to self-training have achieved remarkable performance in UDA for semantic segmentation, which trains a model with pseudo labels on the target domain. However, the pseudo labels are noisy due to a discrepancy in the two data distributions. We identify that context dependency is important for bridging this domain gap. Motivated by this, we propose QuadFormer, a novel framework designed for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. The hierarchical quadruple transformer combines cross-attention and self-attention mechanisms to adapt transferable context. Based on cross-attentive and self-attentive feature representations, we introduce a pseudo label correction scheme to online denoise the pseudo labels and reduce the domain gap. Additionally, we present two datasets - ARPLSyn and ARPLReal to further advance research in unsupervised domain adaptive powerline segmentation. Finally, experimental results indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for the domain adaptive power line segmentation on ARPLSyn$\rightarrow$TTTPLA and ARPLSyn$\rightarrow$ARPLReal.
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Random permutation set (RPS), as a recently proposed theory, enables powerful information representation by traversing all possible permutations. However, the repetition of items is not allowed in RPS while it is quite common in real life. To address this issue, we propose repeatable random permutation set ($\rm R^2PS$) which takes the repetition of items into consideration. The right and left junctional sum combination rules are proposed and their properties including consistency, pseudo-Matthew effect and associativity are researched. Based on these properties, a decision support system application is simulated to show the effectiveness of $\rm R^2PS$.
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本文介绍了Kings Arena的荣誉,Kings Arena是基于国王荣誉的强化学习(RL)环境,这是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一。与以前大多数工作中研究的其他环境相比,我们的人对竞争性强化学习提出了新的概括挑战。与对手竞争的一个代理商是一个多代理的问题;它需要概括能力,因为它具有控制和不同的对手竞争的不同目标。我们描述了国王域名荣誉的观察,动作和奖励规范,并提供了一个基于python的开源界面,以与游戏引擎进行通信。我们为纪念国王竞技场的二十个目标英雄提供了各种任务,并为具有可行的计算资源的基于RL的方法提供了初始基线结果。最后,我们展示了国王竞技场的荣誉和对挑战的可能补救措施所面临的概括挑战。所有软件(包括环境级)均可在上公开获得。该文档可在上获得。
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PCL检测任务旨在识别和分类语言,这些语言是光顾或屈服于一般媒体中的脆弱社区。 ,使通用文本分类方法的表现令人失望。针对Semeval-2022任务4中的PCL检测问题,在本文中,我们对团队的解决方案进行了介绍,该解决方案利用了基于段落分类的及时学习的力量。我们将任务重新制定为适当的披肩提示,并使用预先训练的蒙版语言模型来填补披肩插槽。对于这两个子任务,即二进制分类和多标签分类,采用并微调Deberta模型来预测特定于任务的提示的标签单词。在评估数据集中,对于二进制分类,我们的方法达到了0.6406的F1分数;对于多标签分类,我们的方法达到了0.4689的宏F1得分,在排行榜中排名第一。
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移动网络流量预测是日常网络操作中的关键功能之一。商业移动网络大,异质,复杂,动态。这些内在特征使得移动网络流量预测远离诸如最近的高级算法,例如基于Graph卷积网络的预测方法和各种关注机制,也已经证明是在车辆交通预测中成功的。在本文中,我们将问题作为空间序列预测任务。我们提出了一种新的深度学习网络架构,自适应多接收领域空间 - 时间图卷积网络(AMF-STGCN),以模拟移动基站的交通动态。 AMF-STGCN扩展了GCN(1)在移动网络中联合建模的复杂空间 - 时间依赖性,(2)应用注意机制捕获异构基站的各种接收领域,(3)基于完全连接的额外解码器引入额外的解码器深网络以多阶段预测征服错误传播挑战。来自两个不同域的四个真实数据集的实验一致地显示AMF-STGCN优于最先进的方法。
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